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The Proposal

I tried googling templates on how this should be written, but found nothing that is remotely close to my reality. To be honest, I’m glad because our story should be and is very special to us.


I’ve always been surrounded by loved ones and am somewhat of a quiet individual. But once I’ve met Ana, my whole world changed. I was finally able to open up and appreciate all the loved ones in my life. Not to be corny (I am very corny), but she showed me the world. In a way, she literally did.


After years of dating and accomplishing our individual milestones, we decided to take an adventure together and planned a trip to Europe. Prior to this, I’ve always thought about proposing to her, but just didn’t know when and where, so with Europe on my mind and Paris being one of the countries on our itinerary, obviously, I wanted to be super romantic and propose under the Eiffel Tower… JK. 

If you know Ana and I, we’re not ones to romanticize over what Hollywood holds as ideal. All jokes aside, proposing to my wife to be was the most nerve-racking things I have ever done in my life. In my mind, everything had to be perfect, such as the ring, weather, mood, location, and most importantly, the blessing from Ana’s dad. Once I got the approval from uncle, I felt the weight lifted off my shoulders and the next obstacle was for her to accept my ring. After travelling through Netherlands and France, our last stop was Spain. The day we arrived in Barcelona was the most beautiful day of that winter with clear skies and the weather being in the low 80s. After checking into our apartment, we decided to visit the a local beach called Sant Pol de Mar and had an early Paella dinner right by the Balearic Sea. At that point, I knew it was time, everything was perfect: our bellies full with wonderful food and the sun was ready to set. I checked my pocket to make sure the ring was in place and proceeded with my plan. I said, “Babe, lets take a picture with the self-timer, I really want to capture the sunset.” I then set the camera for video recording and walked up to my beautiful girlfriend/fiancé/wife, got on one knee and proposed. I seriously had the whole speech planned out in my head, but when it came down to the real deal, everything just flowed out of my mouth and I don’t even remember what I said aside from how much I love her and how I want to grow old with her. Luckily she said yes (phew) and accepted my ring. From then on, we’ve been working very hard to plan this wedding to celebrate our love with friends and family. I am very thankful to have this opportunity to share my story and we hope to see everyone soon!

P.S. You should all ask Ana how this all went down and I’m sure she’ll have a thing or two to say. :)

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